For your convenience, we have compiled answers to common questions you may find helpful in choosing the types of treatment that best meet your individual needs or desires. If you have any another question, don't hesitate to contact us.

Why should I book through website?

We will send you a confirmation email after your booking. In case there’s something happen that we don’t keep room for you, you can show us, and you’ll have your money back.

Once we have your information in our website, we can take care of you better.  You may receive our promotion code via email.

We also have the seasonal sales on our promotion page.

What do I do when I arrive at the Spa?

We will already know about your booking and that it was made on the website. In the rare instance that we’re not aware of your booking, or we forget to apply the discount, we may require you to show us your confirmation email.

How can I change or cancel my reservation?

Please send us an email to inform that you want to change or cancel your booking at least 2 hours before your service time. In case you’re in Vietnam, you can call us or come to us directly.

How can I know if my booking is accepted?

If you have booked a service from us and got the invoice in your email inbox. It means you have booked successfully.
Please also check your spam mail if you didn't see our invoice email.

Is a reservation necessary?

You can visit SF Spa anytime that convenient for you without booking. We will do everything in ability to meet your requirements. Reservation is not a must but we encourage you to do so, especially when you come in group people.