
Men should have a massage too

Posted by Admin

Massage is more popular in women than men. The idea of going for a massage conjures up visions of spas and pampering which many men don’t see as being very masculine. This is a shame but massage has many benefits for men too, some of which may be just what they need.Studies showed that men are more likely to store up stress and worries while women are more likely to share them. The downside of “bottling up” this stress is that men are more likely to be both mentally and physically...



5 Reason to SF Spa is best spa in Hanoi

Posted by Admin

5 Reason to SF Spa is best spa in Hanoi - WHY???When you mention SF Spa to former guests, you can see their eyes light up as their minds begin conjuring up memories of the magical time spent there. For 5 years, we’ve been highly recommended by customers and been on top best spas of Hanoi Tripadvisor. Here are some reasons to explain.5 Reason to SF Spa is the one of the best spa in Hanoi1. Cosy traditional environmentConcept of SF Spa is based on traditional beauty that introduces you to...