
Traditional Thai Massage

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Traditional Thai Massage with technic developed for 2000 years. Our friendly, highly trained, and experienced staff will customize massage treatment to meet individual needs in our professional and comfortable environment.

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Definition of Traditional Thai Massage

Traditional Thai Massage, sometimes referred to as “Thai bodywork” or “Yoga Massage” dates back to the time of Buddha. It is a 2500 year old healing modality that has a close relationship to yoga, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Japanese Shiatsu. No oils are used in Thai massage. The client wears comfortable clothes, and the massage is performed on the floor on padded mats. Getting Thai massage may feel like doing yoga without having to exert yourself.

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Technic of Traditional Thai Massage

You lie on a mat on the floor and the practitioner stretches, massages, and twists, covering all parts of the client’s body, from top to toes. She uses thumbs, palms, forearms, elbows, feet knees and even shins to press and stretch your body. Traditional Thai massage is also called Thai Yoga Massage, because the therapist moves you into a series of yoga-like stretches. Many people say Thai massage is like doing yoga without any work.

The main 'channels' for distributing these energies are called 'Sen'. The therapist follows the “sen” lines, comparable to meridians in Chinese medicine or “nadis” in Indian medicine. The therapist walks on you using her feet and heels. The therapist also uses her legs and feet to fix your body and limbs in necessary positions while you are being stretched. A full massage typically lasts two hours or more. It consists of rhythmic pressing, pushing, pulling and stretching of your entire body, including fingers, toes and ears. The massage follows a standard sequence.

Pressing is the mechanical process used to stimulate energy flow in the Sen, and to release blockages or stagnation which result in pain. This part of the massage is very thorough.

Each Sen channel is pressed repeatedly from every direction, with the relative positions of the limbs and trunk being constantly changed. The process is very thorough. When the practitioner is satisfied that all soft tissues have been adequately pressed, stretching begins.

Benefits of Traditional Thai Massage

Our Traditional Thai massage can help promote blood circulation, relaxation and can energise your body and soul. Many people have found the massage effective in treating conditions such as chronic body pain, headaches, insomnia, shoulder and neck tension, lower back aches, sciatica, headache, migraine, digestive problems, fatigue, depression, anxiety, stress and high blood pressure.

After a Thai massage, you should drink plenty of water to help with detoxification. You may feel some soreness or discomfort for the first 24 hours, especially in areas where you have had problems. After that, you should feel relaxed and refreshed!

The best way to relax your body and calm your mind, relieves your tension and maintain a healthy and energetic body is without doubt by releasing your negative energy through massage. It also can fight pain, promote circulation and create freedom of movement and overall well-being. Step into SF Spa, and step into a world of relaxation and calm to get a completely relaxation with Traditional Thai Massage.

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